It surprises me that landscape curbing isn't as popular here in the Pacific Northwest as it is in other parts of the country.
One reason for this is because it's one of the most cost effective ways to really make your landscape beautiful and unique. Another is because very few people have it so you would be the first on your block to have a very attractive border in your landscape!
As the name implies, landscape curbing is just that.... it's a concrete curb generally laid out with a machine that gives an elegant border between your lawn and shrub beds. There are limitless color dyes and stencils that can be used to add color and originality that will really make your landscape "pop".

If your ready to take your landscape to the next level, then I definately recommend landscape curbing.
Click on the link below and let us give you an estimate for some curbing of your own!
Thanks for reading the blog!
Comments and questions welcome!
Derrik Tribble
The Lawn Psychologist
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